Quotes about Forgiveness
If you spend too much time trying to find out what is good or bad about someone else, you'll forget your own soul and end up exhausted and defeated by the energy you have wasted in judging others.
- Paulo Coelho
we're allowed to make a lot of mistakes in our lives, except the mistake that destroy us
- Paulo Coelho
Love was above everything else, and there was no hatred in love, only the occasional mistake.
- Paulo Coelho
Only someone who can say 'I love you' is capable of saying 'I forgive you.
- Paulo Coelho
The Lord heareth the prayers of those who ask to put aside hatred. But he is deaf to those who would flee from love.
- Paulo Coelho
Love your enemy. But don't forget he is not your friend.
- Paulo Coelho
Break a pact. Accept forgiveness. Make a bet.
- Paulo Coelho
To injure your opponent is to injure yourself.
- Paulo Coelho
When you forgive, the person who insulted you feels humbled in his error and becomes loyal.
- Paulo Coelho
Did someone harm you in 1962.. let go of it! Control and ride the horses of anger.
- John Hagee
Anger would inflict punishment on another; meanwhile, it tortures itself.
- Publilius Syrus
Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry.
- Henry Ward Beecher