Quotes about Weaknesses
When God helps you overcome a destructive label, he'll often do what he did through Peter. He will take one of your greatest weaknesses and turn it into one of your greatest strengths.
- Craig Groeschel
I have tried, at least most of the time, to set high objectives, to accept failures and disappointments with relative equanimity, to acknowledge and try to correct my mistakes and weaknesses, and then to set different and sometimes higher goals for the future.
- Jimmy Carter
True strength is the courage to admit our weaknesses.
- Simon Sinek
Someone has written, The hardening of a tender heart almost always starts with a justifiable action.8 We think we know what we're doing. We consider our resistance toward God's plans and our lack of surrender to be minor compared to what others have done. We figure we do a lot of good things that ought to make up for our admitted weaknesses here and there, in one or two areas. We don't think God expects us to be so radical and on guard all the time. We've still got to have a life, right?
- Priscilla Shirer
La humildad no es negar sus fortalezas. La humildad es ser sincero acerca de sus debilidades". —Rick Warren
- John Maxwell
When some people begin to work with others on their development, they often gravitate to weaknesses rather than strengths. Maybe that's because it's so easy to see others' problems and shortcomings. But if you start by putting your energies into correcting people's weaknesses, you will demoralize them and unintentionally sabotage the enlarging process.
- John Maxwell
The main reason we weren't making progress is when focusing on people's weaknesses. If you want to develop people, you must help them discover and build upon their strengths. That's where people have the most potential to grow.
- John Maxwell
Humility is not denying your strengths. Humility is being honest about your weaknesses. All of us are a bundle of both great strengths and great weaknesses and humility is being able to be honest about both.
- John Maxwell
Let us concede at the outset that, in a free society, freedom will frequently be used badly. Freedom, by definition, includes freedom to do good or evil, to act nobly or basely. Thus we should not be surprised that there is a considerable amount of vice, licentiousness, and vulgarity in a free society. Given the warped timber of humanity, freedom is simply an expression of human flaws and weaknesses. But if freedom brings out the worst in people, it also brings out the best.
- Dinesh D'Souza
If you spend too much time working on your weaknesses, all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses!" This doesn't give you a competitive edge in the marketplace or position you to be wealthy. It just keeps you average. In fact, it's an absolute insult to your integrity to major in
- Jack Canfield
We are supposed to maximize God, which keeps our weaknesses in perspective.
- Lysa TerKeurst
We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are. (HEBREWS 4:15)
- John Eldredge