Quotes about Confirmation
Most of us are not really approaching the subject in order to find out what Christianity says; we are approaching it in the hope of finding support from Christianity for the views of our own party.
- CS Lewis
There is no rule more invariable than that we are paid for our suspicions by finding what we suspect.
- Henry David Thoreau
The gift of living in our time, however, is that we are more and more discovering that the sciences, particularly physics, astrophysics, anthropology, and biology, are confirming many of the deep intuitions of religion, and at a rather quick pace in recent years.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
most people don't want truth. They want confirmation.
- Richard Paul Evans
You can be called to do something that feels difficult to your flesh, but if you can get beyond your initial doubts and find that you have peace once you are doing it, then you will know that God is confirming your natural talents.
- Joyce Meyer
How sad to see a worthless man who claims to know God confirm by running back to the road of self-righteousness that he never met Him.
- James MacDonald
Billy Graham Dead? We Know Better.
- Ray Comfort
There is no calling of God to man on earth but what brings with it the evidence of its authenticity.
- Brigham Young
Kings cannot ennoble thee, thou good, great soul, for One who is higher than kings hath done that for thee; but a king can confirm thy nobility to men.
- Mark Twain
Persistent, internal inklings matched by external confirmation is often the way God directs believers into His will.
- Priscilla Shirer
When pain and suffering strike, our faith is well founded if it is standing on the promises of God. For all of God's promises have strong confirmation in Christ.
- John Calvin
We should not seek to confirm God's will by the absence of adversity.
- Alistair Begg