Quotes about Authority
An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects
- Martin Luther
Although we are all equally priests, we cannot all publicly minister and teach.
- Martin Luther
God is wrath and God is mercy. The State is the instrument of his wrath, the Church of his mercy
- Martin Luther
As when my little son John offendeth: if then I should not whip him, but call him to the table unto me, and give him sugar and plums, thereby, I should make him worse, yea should quite spoil him.
- Martin Luther
In all other matters I will yield to any man whatsoever; but I have neither the power nor the will to deny the Word of God.
- Martin Luther
Since God will have us leave father and mother for his sake, certainly he will have us leave lords (governors) for his sake.
- Martin Luther
God once spoke through the mouth of an ass. I will tell you straight what I think. I am a Christian theologian and I am bound not only to assert, but to defend the truth with my blood and death. I want to believe freely and be a slave to the authority of no one, of a council, a university, or pope. I will confidently confess what appears to me to be true whether it has been asserted by a Catholic or a heretic, whether it has been approved or reproved by a council.
- Martin Luther
It seems we must choose between Christ and the Pope. Let the Pope perish.
- Martin Luther
Peter erred in life and in doctrine. Paul might have dismissed Peter's error as a matter of no consequence. But Paul saw that Peter's error would lead to the damage of the whole Church unless it were corrected. Therefore he withstood Peter to his face. The Church, Peter, the apostles, angels from heaven, are not to be heard unless they teach the genuine Word of God.
- Martin Luther
You see then, that Diatribe truly possesses a free choice in her handling of Scriptures, so that words of one and the same type are for her obliged to prove endeavor in one place and freedom in another, exactly as she pleases.
- Martin Luther
Here again Diatribe confidently brings in a gloss to suit herself, just as if Scripture were under her complete control. As for considering the prophet's meaning and intention, what need was there for a man of such authority to do that? All we need is: Erasmus says so, therefore it is so.
- Martin Luther
I ask for the Scripture, and Eck offers me the Fathers. I ask for the sun, and he shows me his lanterns. I ask, "where is your Scripture proof?" and he adduces Ambrose and Cyril. . . . With all due respect to the Fathers, I prefer the authority of Scripture.
- Martin Luther