Quotes about Authority
When God saves you, he doesn't do it because you gave him permission. He did it because he's God.
- Matt Chandler
Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured in terms of obedience.
- John Stott
But I think it's up to a local congregation to determine whether or not a marriage should be blessed of God. And it shouldn't be up to the government.
- Tony Campolo
If God is not sovereign, God is not God.
- RC Sproul
A 'god' who's will is resisted, designs frustrated, and purpose checkmated, possesses no title to Deity.
- AW Pink
The Church is where it is today because it has decided that the advertising agents know better than the Holy Spirit of God.
- Alistair Begg
It is a lifelong choice to deliberately and habitually bring ourselves under God's authority.
- KP Yohannan
You are a little god on earth running around.
- Benny Hinn
They who prematurely put themselves forward to root out whatever is displeasing to them overthrow the judgment of God and rashly intrude upon the office of angels.
- John Calvin
The idea that all the words in Scripture are God's words in such a way that to disbelieve or disobey any word of Scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God.
- Wayne Grudem
Listen to no man who has not listened to God.
- AW Tozer
I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.
- AW Tozer