Quotes about Authority
The Bible in the pulpit must never supersede the Bible at home.
- JC Ryle
The most favourable laws can do very little towards the happiness of people when the disposition of the ruling power is adverse to them.
- Edmund Burke
I am the master of my fate and the captain of my destiny.
- Nelson Mandela
Knowledge is power," Francis Bacon said in a peculiarly prophetic moment. He was right; "modern" scientific knowledge has demonstrated its power for three centuries. With postmodernism, however, the situation is reversed. There is no purely objective knowledge, no truth of correspondence. Instead there are only stories, stories that, when they are believed, give the storyteller power over others.
- James Sire
Further, it is evident that if pope or other superior command the priest not to preach, who is disposed to do so (as has been said), or the rich not to give alms, the inferior ought not to obey. Wherefore, depending on this command of the Lord, I have not obeyed Pope Alexander's command in regard to not preaching and hence will humbly bear excommunication, confident that I will secure to myself the benediction of my God.
- Jan Hus
Questions bring options, decrees burn them.
- Jason Fried
When you treat people like children, you get children's work. Yet that's exactly how a lot of companies and managers treat their employees. Employees need to ask permission before they can do anything. They need to get approval for every tiny expenditure.
- Jason Fried
Beware the abuse of Power. Both by those we disagree with, as well as those we may agree with
- Ben Carson
From the dead, ascended to heaven, and resumed His position of supreme authority. When we believe and receive His good news, He instantly conveys us into His family and into His kingdom. That is the triumph of the gospel—the victory of Jesus on our behalf.
- David Jeremiah
We, the Church, hold the keys. We are His body—His hands, feet, voice—and what He does, He will do through us. We are Plan A, and there is no Plan B.
- Dutch Sheets
I believe our prayers do more than just petition the Father. I've become convinced that in some situations they actually release cumulative amounts of God's power until enough has been released to accomplish His will.
- Dutch Sheets
No dumping allowed. Trespassers will be violated." I used to laugh every time I drove by the sign. This wasn't a homemade sign. It was a professionally made metal sign posted by a city in Oklahoma (I won't tell you which one). It was even the fancy kind with fluorescent letters that could be easily seen at night.
- Dutch Sheets