Quotes about Authority
If Moses had operated through committees the Israelites never would have got across the Red Sea.
- William Booth
His authority on earth allows us to dare to go to all the nations. His authority in heaven gives us our only hope of success. And His presence with us leaves us with no other choice.
- John Stott
A person acting from a motivation of contribution and service rises to such a level of moral authority that worldly success is a natural result.
- Marianne Williamson
Everything bows to success, even grammar.
- Victor Hugo
Leadership is influence. To the extent we influence others, we lead them.
- Charles Swindoll
Well, yes, I've fired a lot of people. Generally I like other people to fire, because it's always a lousy task. But I have fired many people.
- Donald Trump
Anyone who influences others is a leader.
- Charles Swindoll
Those in power must spend a lot of their time laughing at us.
- Alice Walker
What she showed me was, Yes, I am Grandmother as she is; there is no separation, really, between us. And that, on this planet, Grandmother Earth, there is no higher authority. That our inseparability is why the planet will be steered to safety by Grandmother/Grandmothers or it will not be steered to safety at all.
- Alice Walker
Wives is like children. You have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good sound beating.
- Alice Walker
Well how you spect to make her mind? Wives is like children. You have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do better than a good sound beating. (Walker 2000: 34)
- Alice Walker
Do you know what that word reign means? It means, "time in power." God said we're to reign how long? In life. That means as long as you're alive that is your time in power.
- Joel Osteen