Quotes about Authority
We had a Corsican wine that had great authority and a low price. It was a very Corsican wine and you could dilute it by half with water and still receive its message. A Moveable Feast
- Ernest Hemingway
Let them all go to hell, except the people, and then, when they come to power, we must be dam cautious to see what they will become.
- Ernest Hemingway
it is much easier to be the opposition to a government than to run the government yourself.
- Ernest Hemingway
Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it.
- Andrew Jackson
The great can protect themselves, but the poor and humble require the arm and shield of the law.
- Andrew Jackson
- Andy Andrews
When a king begins to act like a king, it is not long before someone else is king! Serving is a way we can place value on one another. A wise man is a server.
- Andy Andrews
When you try to exercise authority within a department that is outside your core competencies, you will hinder everything and everyone under your watch. If you fail to distinguish between authority and competence, you will exert your influence in ways that damage projects and people. To put it bluntly, there are things you are responsible for that you should keep your nose out of.
- Andy Stanley
Any admonition that declares that we must rule should be checked with the immediate reminder that Christ did not. It is the cross—not the boardroom, not the Oval Office, and not the box office—that is the absolute center of the Kingdom of God.
- Andy Stanley
Every leader has authority over arenas in which he has little or no competence. When we exert our authority in an area where we lack competence, we can derail projects and demotivate those who have the skills we lack.
- Andy Stanley
Clearly the person who accepts the Church as an infallible guide will believe whatever the Church teaches.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be, even as wheresoever Christ Jesus is, there is the catholic church.
- Ignatius of Antioch