Quotes about Authority
On this view, then, Paul envisions an eschatological, end-of-time Antichrist, a man characterized by sin and destruction who will assume a place of influence and authority within the professing Church from which he will persecute God's people and foment a spiritual apostasy (cf. Matt. 7:21-23; 2 Tim. 1:15; Rev. 3:1; 11:7-13; 20:7-10), all of which must come to pass before the Lord Jesus can return in fullness.
- Sam Storms
Arbitrary governing hath no alliance with God.
- Samuel Rutherford
every man's Judgment cometh from the Lord. And be glad that it is so, for Christ is the clerk of your process, and will see that all go right; and
- Samuel Rutherford
What is warranted by the direction of nature's light is warranted by the law of nature, and consequently by a divine law; for who can deny the law of nature to be a divine law?
- Samuel Rutherford
The supreme and absolute Former of all things giveth not an account of any of His matters.
- Samuel Rutherford
what can ail faith, seeing Christ suffereth Himself (with reverence to Him be it spoken) to be commanded by it; and Christ commandeth all things.
- Samuel Rutherford
the import of the book was that even the king must obey the law, because the king is also under the law.
- Samuel Rutherford
Rutherford held that the people were the "fountain-power" of political authority, and that they were the ones who delegated this authority to the magistrates. He also demonstrated that when such authority was abused, the people had the authority to rescind that delegation.
- Samuel Rutherford
For some reason, and for a time such as this, God has given me favor with kings and princes.
- Michael Smith
Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God.
- Glenn Beck
To be a princess is to play at life. To be a queen is to be a serious player...The purpose of life as a woman is to ascend to the throne and rule with heart.
- Marianne Williamson
The Queen is coming to reclaim her girls.
- Marianne Williamson