Quotes about Authority
Neither can oath nor promise bind any such people to obey and maintain tyrants against God and against his truth known.
- John Knox
All teaching and all truth and all doctrine must be tested in the light of the scriptures.
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Therefore, let God inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the Word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth
- St. Basil
Listen to your parents. Be obedient to them whether you agree with them or not. They love you more than anyone else and have your best interests at heart.
- James Faust
Parents learn the uses of power and its limits. They can insist on certain outward behavior but cannot change inner attitudes. They can require obedience but not goodness - and certainly not love.
- Philip Yancey
In spite of the fact that at times I would challenge parents authority. They provided unconditional love.
- George W. Bush
Through his power all things were made—things in heaven and on earth, things seen and unseen, all powers, authorities, lords, and rulers. All things were made through Christ and for Christ. Colossians 1:16
- Max Lucado
The snake pulled back the curtain to the throne room and invited Eve to take a seat. Put on the crown. Pick up the scepter. Put on the cape. See how it feels to have power. See how feels to have a name. See how it feels to be in control! Eve swallowed the hook. The temptation to be like God eclipsed her view of God.
- Max Lucado
Every level of inheritance requires a disinheritance from the devil. Satan must be moved off before the saint can move in.
- Max Lucado
You can be the air traffic controller of your mental airport. You occupy the control tower and can direct the mental traffic of your world.
- Max Lucado
Over the course of time many Americans have forgotten that "we the people" are actually at the top of the food chain as far as authority is concerned in this nation. The Republicans don't run our nation. The Democrats don't run our nation. We do. However, by dividing and engaging in political squabbles, we have allowed the government to grow so large and powerful that it has now become the boss, progressively taking charge of all of our lives.
- Ben Carson
Anytime you give to government the responsibility and authority to provide government-made jobs, old-age financial security, "free" health care, and "free" education and indoctrination of children, it will control the lives of the people who live under its jurisdiction, and individual liberty and freedom of choice are sacrificed.
- Ben Carson