Quotes about Authority
If there's not enough guilt in the world, we must create it. If we teach a man that it's evil to look at spring flowers and he believes us and then does it —we'll be able to do whatever we please with him. He won't defend himself. He won't feel he's worth it. He won't fight. But save us from the man who lives up to his own standards. Save us from the man of clean conscience. He's the man who'll beat us.
- Ayn Rand
What kind of 'changing world', Alvah? Changing to what? From what? Who's doing the changing?
- Ayn Rand
Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority.
- Ayn Rand
It's like moving-in day on a college campus, except a large percentage of the people involved are middle-aged, in suits, and, along with you, charged with running the most powerful nation on earth.
- Barack Obama
He was getting that look he gets, oh boy, like Here comes Moses tromping down off of Mount Syanide with ten fresh ways to wreck your life.
- Barbara Kingsolver
I said probably they were just scared he was going to put ideas in our heads. She smiled. "Imagine that. A teacher, putting ideas in kids' heads.
- Barbara Kingsolver
If you can't live by the laws the LORD God made for the world, they'll go into effect regardless.
- Barbara Kingsolver
All knowledge measured, first and last, by one's allegiance to the teacher.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Can one who hates right govern?" Job 34:13
- Barbara Kingsolver
A kid is a terrible thing to be, in charge of nothing. If you get past that and grown, it's easiest to forget about the misery and pretend you knew all along what you were doing.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Leadership can eventually become a choice not a position.
- Stephen Covey
They want other people to be the way they want them to be. They often want to clone them, and they surround themselves with "yes" people—people who won't challenge them, people who are weaker than they.
- Stephen Covey