Quotes about Authority
Tenacious prayer is a lifestyle that produces results. Prayer is more than getting on our knees or clasping our hands while closing our eyes. Prayer is an attitude of operating in conjunction with God. Prayer involves exercising our authority for heavenly intervention in our earthly affairs.
- Tony Evans
Keep in mind as you face Satan's tricks of deception that you cannot fight him on your own, with your own methods, or even with your own thoughts. God's Word—His truth—trumps Satan. You don't. Satan has constitutional superiority over every man and woman because he is a spirit being.
- Tony Evans
Meekness is not weakness. Meekness simply means submitting your power to a higher Control—it means submitting yourself to God's kingdom rule.
- Tony Evans
By misunderstanding the nature and purpose of God's kingdom, we have marginalized the church's authority and influence both within its walls and outside them.
- Tony Evans
Only God gets to define Himself. And only God gets to reveal who He is and how He operates in history. He is who He is, not who you say He is.
- Tony Evans
A kingdom man is the kind of man that when his feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh crap, he's up!
- Tony Evans
Honor everyone. Lovea the brothers and sisters.b Fear God.c Honor the emperor.
- Tony Evans
Believing in Jesus didn't get the Christians hung or tossed to the lions for sport. Believing in Jesus as the rightful ruler and lord did. There's a difference.
- Tony Evans
Sola scriptura means at least this: that the church's proclamation is always subject to potential correction from the canon. It is for this reason that we resist simply collapsing the text into the tradition of its interpretation and performance.
- Kevin Vanhoozer
Chrysostom at length expressed the need for the overseer of God's people to preach true doctrine and refute false teaching:
- Kevin Vanhoozer
For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God" (Rom. 13:1). God
- Kevin Vanhoozer
You have not been put on earth for the devil to torment you, you have been put on this earth to torment the devil.
- Kris Vallotton