Quotes about Study
Hast thou permitted worldliness, ambition, greediness of study, to eat up other duties, the duties wherein thou oughtest to hold constant communion with God, for some long season?
- John Owen
Knowledge comes naturally with studying, and with God's touch, instantly. Wisdom comes naturally with age, and with God's touch, immediately.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
Study men following the law of their higher nature, the law of love, so that when you grow to manhood, you will have improved your heritage.
- Mahatma Gandhi
I have studied him - the wonderful man - and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of humanity.
- George Bernard Shaw
He that would be conformed to Christ's image, and become a Christ-like man, must be constantly studying Christ Himself.
- JC Ryle
The proper study of mankind is man in his relation to his deity.
- DH Lawrence
Study men, not historians.
- Harry S. Truman
Get into the Word regularly (John 17:17).
- Terry James
Every book of tactics in the regiment was in use from morning until night, and the officers and non-commissioned officers were always studying the problems presented at the schools.
- Theodore Roosevelt
HE that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 1 saith the Lord. These are the words of Christ; and they teach us how far we must imitate His life and character, if we seek true illumination, and deliverance from all blindness of heart. Let it be our most earnest study, therefore, to dwell upon the life of Jesus Christ.
- Thomas a Kempis
I receive Thee ransom of my soul. For love of Thee have I studied and kept vigil toiled preached and taught…
- St. Thomas Aquinas
We must come to the Bible with the purpose of self-exposure consciously in mind. I suspect not many people make more than a token stab in that direction. It's extremely hard work. It makes Bible study alternately convicting and reassuring, painful and soothing, puzzling and calming, and sometimes dull - but not for long if our purpose is to see ourselves better.
- Larry Crabb