Quotes about Study
The Word we study has to be the Word we pray.
- Brennan Manning
To become an able and successful man in any profession, three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.
- Henry Ward Beecher
I think of Pope Gregory the Great. He wanted the cloister. He wanted to pray and study, and yet he was thrust into this administrative job, and he submitted to that. And in that submission, he became a great leader. You could say that the only person who is safe to lead is the person who is free to submit.
- Richard Foster
Criticism is a study by which men grow important and formidable at very small expense
- Samuel Johnson
Because just as arms have no force outside if there is no counsel within a house, study is vain and counsel useless that is not put to virtuous effect when the time calls.
- Francois Rabelais
I think that I failed by not studying more, and praying more, and spending more time with my family.
- Billy Graham
Men were first led to the study of philosophy, as indeed they are today, by wonder.
- Aristotle
Happiness extends just as far as study extends, and the more someone studies, the happier he is.
- Aristotle
Problems may be solved in the study which have baffled all those who have sought a solution by the aid of their senses.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
The Bible and studying the Bible has been an important part of my life.
- Jimmy Carter
By labor and intent study (which I take to be my portion in this life, joined with the strong propensity of nature, I might perhaps leave something so written to after-times, as they should not willingly let it die.
- John Milton
However, let us give ourselves to the study of the word, and to prayer; and may the great Teacher make every scriptural truth food to our souls. I desire to grow in knowledge, but I want nothing which bears that name that has not a direct tendency to make sin more hateful, Jesus more precious to my soul; and at the same time to animate me to a diligent use of every appointed means, and an unreserved regard to every branch of duty.
- John Newton