Quotes about Serve
Rule with the heart of a servant, and serve with the heart of a king.
- Bill Johnson
I just try to love and serve everyone, and bring everyone water, and lend an ear; that's what Jesus said to do.
- Anne Lamott
Hear Jesus as a family and serve Him. Care about people and love people.
- Louie Giglio
It's my belief that God gives us all gifts, special abilities that we have the privilege of developing to help us serve Him and humanity.
- Ben Carson
Acknowledge God. Acknowledging God first thing every morning transforms my day. I often begin my day by reconfirming His authority over me and submitting to Him as Lord in advance of my daily circumstances. I try to accept the words of Joshua 24:15 as a personal daily challenge: "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.
- Beth Moore
We are the circumcision, the ones who serve by the Spirit of God, boast in Christ Jesus, and do not put confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:3
- Beth Moore
Have we harvested with the margins in mind? Do we intentionally serve people on the edge?
- Beth Moore
Angels never minister selfishly; they serve so that all glory may be given to God as believers are strengthened.
- Billy Graham
Be honest about your weaknesses and ask God to help you overcome them so you can serve Christ more effectively.
- Billy Graham
God will never lead contrary to His word—so get acquainted with the Word of God, the Bible. Pray. He leads through the illumination of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Use whatever you have and be faithful. We are called to serve Christ in our sphere of influence.
- Billy Graham
What influences our behavior, and what our level of responsibility is, are very complex issues. And anytime we try to make this simplistic, we don't serve people well.
- John Ortberg
The ad industry thinks their clients are their customers. They think the companies who pay for the production are the ones they are supposed to serve. So the ads they produce make their clients happy... but infuriate the rest of us.
- Simon Sinek