Quotes about Serve
It's very, very humbling, and I couldn't be more honored to have the opportunity to run with, and serve with, the next president of the United States.
- Mike Pence
A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.
- Thomas Merton
Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world.
- Oprah Winfrey
Philippians 3:3 instructs, "Serve God by his Spirit . . . boast in Christ Jesus . . . put no confidence in the flesh." It will not only satisfy your being but will also build intimacy in your relationship with him.
- Charles Stanley
Work to make a living; serve to make a life.
- Will Rogers
If I gossip or engage in ungodly conflict, I harm the gift God has given. But if I am willing to pursue, forgive, and serve, I demonstrate care for these gifts.
- Timothy Lane
Human beings are always tempted to love and serve things in the creation rather than the Creator. So often, we think of false worship and idolatry only in terms of things that are obviously sinful. While this can be the case, Romans 1:25 indicates that idolatry is often the result of taking good things in creation and making them ultimate things.
- Timothy Lane
The Lord and His Church have always encouraged education to increase our ability to serve Him and our Heavenly Father's chlidren. For each of us, whatever our talents, He has service for us to give. And to do it well always involves learning, not once or for a limited time, but continually.
- Henry B. Eyring
It is the Holy Ghost who helps us see what God has done for us. It is the Holy Ghost who can help those we serve to see what God has done for them.
- Henry B. Eyring
All temperaments can serve as the material for ruin or for salvation. We must learn to see that our temperament is a gift of God, a talent with which we must trade until He comes.
- Thomas Merton
then you obey my commandments, which I command you this day, that you love the Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart, and with all your soul:
- Thomas Merton
For you will certainly carry out God's purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John.
- CS Lewis