Quotes about Roots
I'm from Iowa, we don't know what cool is!
- Ashton Kutcher
My biggest cooking influence, my No. 1, is my grandma. Then it's the farmers. When I go to the farm stand and see what's available, that's where I get most of my inspiration.
- Katie Lee
It matters a great deal that I come from a Jewish background.
- Ruth Westheimer
how was a man to be explained unless you at least knew somebody who knew his father and mother?
- George Eliot
Like a tree, the Bible tells us, bitterness has roots.a Consequently, we can saw away at our frustrations, disappointments, angers, hurts, and sadness, but unless we dig up our root of bitterness, it only returns, sometimes bigger than ever.
- Mark Driscoll
But we are supposed to have our roots planted somewhere other than circumstance. The roots of our lives are supposed to be drawing up the nutriments of joy from a source that cannot be depleted—the river of God and his Word. The one who delights in the Lord is "like a tree planted by streams of water.
- John Piper
It is in the roots, not the branches, that a tree's greatest strength lies.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
if you focus on the fruit and ignore the root, the tree will die, but if you continue to care for the root and focus on your culture, process, people, and purpose, then you'll always have a great supply of fruit.
- Jon Gordon
The rich world of his ancestors set the standards for Dietrich Bonhoeffer's own life. It gave him a certainty of judgment and manner that cannot be acquired in a single generation.
- Eric Metaxas
- Rick Renner
No one can be free who has a thousand ancestors.
- LM Montgomery
I am grateful that my childhood was spent in a spot where there were many trees, trees of personality, planted and tended by hands long dead, bound up with everything of joy or sorrow that visited our lives. When I have lived with a tree for many years it seems to me like a beloved human companion.
- LM Montgomery