Quotes about Tendency
One of the ironies of human nature is that it often has a way of rejecting the best and accepting the worst.
- Billy Graham
The author concedes that humanity had the fatal tendency to shape truth to our beliefs rather than beliefs to the Truth.
- Frank Turek
She takes after Laura in that respect: the same tendency towards absolutism, the same refusal to compromise, the same scorn for the grosser human failings. To get away with that, you have to be beautiful. Otherwise it seems mere peevishness.
- Margaret Atwood
Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is more or less strong tendency ordered to an intrinsic moral evil, and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder.
- Pope Benedict XVI
if God be this center, then God aimed at himself. And herein it appears, that as he is the first author of their being and motion, so he is the last end, the final term, to which is their ultimate tendency and aim.
- John Piper
The character is revealed, not by occasional good deeds and occasional misdeeds, but by the tendency of the habitual words and acts.
- Ellen White
Because in my nature I have always run to pie, whilst in his nature he has always run to mystery.
- Mark Twain
In order to this there must be something besides a general tendency to action; there must also be a particular tendency to that individual action.—If it should be asked, why the soul of man uses its activity, in such a manner as it does;
- Jonathan Edwards
The most dangerous tendency of the modern world is the way in which bogus theories are given the force of dogma.
- Jean Danielou
How then can we deal with our tendency toward worldliness? It is *not* by determining that we will not be worldly, but by committing ourselves to becoming more godly.
- Jerry Bridges
it is the peculiar privilege of the Church, to know what the Divine judgments mean, and what is their tendency.
- John Calvin
the mark of sound doctrine given by our Saviour himself is its tendency to promote the glory not of men, but of God (John
- John Calvin