Quotes about Workplace
Finally, the New Testament does not teach a separation between life and ministry. Every dimension of your life is a forum for ministry. Marriage is ministry. Friendship is ministry. Parenting is ministry. Being a neighbor is ministry. The workplace is a place of ministry.
- Paul David Tripp
The corporation is the "master", the employee is the "servant". Because the corporation owns the means of production without which the employee could not make a living, the employee needs the corporation more than vice versa.
- Peter Drucker
The one who quarries stones may be injured by them, and he who splits logs endangers himself.
- Ecclesiastes 10:9
Servants, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but even to those who are unreasonable.
- 1 Peter 2:18
The fact remains that team, because they are made up of imperfect human beings, are inherently dysfuctional.
- Patrick Lencioni
pointy-haired boss doesn't mind if his company gets their ass kicked, so long as no one can prove it's his fault.
- Paul Graham
If you're working with a spreadsheet or a thread of correspondence or a set of data, I'm not sure you're doing your best work if you're doing it on an iPhone.
- Seth Godin
A company and leaders of the company have the responsibility of the precious lives of all the human beings that work there.
- Simon Sinek
Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective.
- Kathie Lee Gifford
Usually, the foreman found some reason to hold back some of Rusty's check, because Rusty'd showed up a few minutes late, or broke some tool, or something. He knew Rusty couldn't say anything about it, any more than all the illegals who worked down there could. Some folks just have to keep their heads down and take it, even if it's not fair, because they don't have anywhere else to go.
- Lisa Wingate
A secretary must think like a man act like a lady look like a girl - and work like a dog.
- Anonymous
More and more movies have been pressured to allow reporters and TV cameras to come onto the set while you're working, and I find that a real violation.
- Holly Hunter