Quotes about Courage
and the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon him, and he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as one would tear a young goat. But he did not tell his father or mother what he had done.
- Judges 14:6
He found the fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and struck down a thousand men.
- Judges 15:15
And when Samson had finished speaking, he cast the jawbone from his hand; and he named that place Ramath-lehi.
- Judges 15:17
But the Israelite army took courage and again took their battle positions in the same place where they had arrayed themselves on the first day.
- Judges 20:22
And 18,000 Benjamites fell, all men of valor.
- Judges 20:44
That day 25,000 Benjamite swordsmen fell, all men of valor.
- Judges 20:46
And now do not be afraid, my daughter. I will do for you whatever you request, since all my fellow townspeople know that you are a woman of noble character.
- Ruth 3:11
So she lay down at his feet until morning, but she got up before anyone else could recognize her. Then Boaz said, “Do not let it be known that a woman came to the threshing floor.”
- Ruth 3:14
Take courage and be men, O Philistines! Otherwise, you will serve the Hebrews just as they served you. Now be men and fight!”
- 1 Samuel 4:9
Then the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “Tomorrow we will come out, and you can do with us whatever seems good to you.”
- 1 Samuel 11:10
“Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “Even though you have committed all this evil, do not turn aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart.
- 1 Samuel 12:20
One day Jonathan son of Saul said to the young man bearing his armor, “Come, let us cross over to the Philistine outpost on the other side.” But Jonathan did not tell his father.
- 1 Samuel 14:1