Quotes about Courage
Let's look for dragons, I said to Pooh. Yes, let's, said Pooh to Me. We crossed the river and found a few Yes, those are dragons all right, said Pooh. As soon as I saw their beaks I knew. That's what they are, said Pooh, said he. That's what they are, said Pooh.
- AA Milne
Piglet wasn't afraid if he had Christopher Robin with him, so off they went….
- AA Milne
It is hard to be brave,' said Piglet, sniffing slightly, 'when you're only a Very Small Animal.
- AA Milne
You mean Piglet. The little fellow with the excited ears. That's Piglet.
- AA Milne
Whatever Fortune brings, Don't be afraid of doing things.
- AA Milne
I've had some good times, had some bad. Took some lumps. Scored some points. Half-way through life, at 43, I still say, 'go for broke.' No government, no FBI, no judge, no jailer is ever gonna make me say 'uncle.' Now, as then, let the game continue. I bet my stake on freedom's call; I'll play these cards with no regrets.
- Abbie Hoffman
When the principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then the battle is your calling, and peace has become sin. You must at the price of dearest peace lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy with all the fire of your faith.
- Abraham Kuyper
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
- Abraham Lincoln
Having thus chosen our course, without guile and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God, and go forward without fear and with manly hearts.
- Abraham Lincoln
I feel just like the boy who stubbed his toe—too damned badly hurt to laugh and too damned proud to cry!
- Abraham Lincoln
Lets have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.
- Abraham Lincoln
It's got to be the ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet. If you're afraid to use an expression like that, you should get back in the cotton patch, you should get back in the alley.
- Malcolm X