Quotes about Courage
You can't make a difference without making waves, and some people in the boat won't like it. So be it. Rock the boat anyway.
- Mark Batterson
At the end of your life, your greatest regret won't be the things you did but wish you hadn't. Your greatest regret will be the things you didn't do but wish you had.
- Mark Batterson
There is an old adage: ready, set, go. And I know it's predicated on the importance of preparation. But I think it's backward. You'll never be ready. You'll never be set. Sometimes you just need to go for it. The sequence of faith is this: Go. Set. Ready.
- Mark Batterson
Jesus didn't die to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous.
- Mark Batterson
You're never too old to go after the dreams God has put in your heart. And for the record, you're never too young either. Age is never a valid excuse.
- Mark Batterson
More than a hundred years ago, a British revivalist issued a holy dare that would change a life, a city, and a generation. That timeless challenge echoes across every generation: "The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.
- Mark Batterson
We were meant for more than a safe ride when God placed us here. Any part of this life that offers more, requires more, or asks more of us than we are used to is an opportunity to grow more, dream more, and be more than we are now.
- Mark Batterson
Courage doesn't wait until situational factors turn in one's favor. It doesn't wait until a plan is perfectly formed. It doesn't wait until the tide of popular opinion is turned. Courage only waits for one thing: a green light from God. And when God gives the go, it's full steam ahead, no questions asked.
- Mark Batterson
When God stirs our spirit or breaks our heart, we cannot sit back. We've got to step up and step in. We've got to go all in by going all out. But if we have the courage to make the choice or take the risk, it will become the defining moment of our lives.
- Mark Batterson
Irrational fears only submit to prayer.
- Mark Batterson
When we do what's right, regardless of circumstances or consequences, we set the table for God to turn the tables. All we need to do is stand up, step in, or step out.
- Mark Batterson
We'll never see God part the Jordan River if our feet are firmly planted on dry ground. But if we step into the river, God will part it.
- Mark Batterson