Quotes about Condescension
We do it by love. Christ as crucified is the great object of our love, or should so be; for he is therein unto sinners "altogether lovely." Hence one of the ancients cried out, "My love is crucified, and why do I stay behind?" In the death of Christ do his love, his grace, his condescension, most gloriously shine forth.
- John Owen
George Eliot makes us share their lives, not in a spirit of condescension or of curiosity, but in a spirit of sympathy. She is no satirist....But she gathers in her large grasp a great bunch of the main elements of human nature and groups them loosely together with a tolerant understanding which, as one finds upon re-reading, has not only kept her figures fresh and free, but has given them an unexpected hold upon our laughter and tears.
- Virginia Woolf
As if the estrangement between them had come of any culpability of hers. As if Mr. Lorry had not known it for a fact, years ago, in the quiet corner in Soho, that this precious brother had spent her money and left her! He was saying the affectionate word, however, with a far more grudging condescension and patronage than he could have shown if their relative merits and positions had been reversed (which is invariably the case, all the world over),
- Charles Dickens
Have you ever been guilty of having a condescending attitude about another person's weakness? How can we dare to think we can access the soul-cleansing blood that delivers us from the cesspool of our secret sins, and then look down on another member of Christ's Body in disdain?
- Bishop TD Jakes
But we can't believe that he condescends to watch the soap opera of our daily trials and tribulations; so we purchase our own remedies for that.
- Eugene Peterson
It cannot be from any worthiness in our prayers, which are in themselves polluted things. But it is because God delights in mercy and condescension. He is herein infinitely distinguished from all other Gods. He is the great fountain of all good, from whom goodness flows as light from the sun.2 —JonaThan edwards
- Sam Storms
The only people who soul can truly magnify the Lord are...people who acknowledge their lowly estate and are overwhelmed by the condescension of the magnificent God.
- John Piper
In Jesus Christ, he says, meet infinite highness and infinite condescension; infinite justice and infinite grace; infinite glory and lowest humility; infinite majesty and transcendent meekness; deepest reverence toward God and equality with God; worthiness of good and the greatest patience under the suffering of evil; a great spirit of obedience and supreme dominion over heaven and earth; absolute sovereignty and perfect resignation; self-sufficiency and an entire trust and reliance on God.
- John Piper
Never be haughty to the humble, never be humble to the haughty.
- Mark Twain
Jesus Christ, the condescension of divinity, and the exaltation of humanity.
- Phillips Brooks
Jesus Christ, the condescension of divinity, and the exaltation of humanity.
- Phillips Brooks
The smaller the mind, the greater the conceit.
- Aesop