Quotes about Leadership
The responsibility of a man is to lead his family.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Oh how unhappy is the prince served by such men who are so easily corrupted.
- Francois Rabelais
We will not permit the triumph of violence in the affairs of men; free people will set the course of history.
- George W. Bush
George H. W. Bush is gracious. And I'm not saying any of the former presidents aren't gracious, I'm just saying, this man is gracious.
- George W. Bush
The presidency has made every man who occupied it, no matter how small, bigger than he was; and no matter how big, not big enough for its demands.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
I hold no man to be indispensable for the welfare of the country.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Every company has room for the man who has a definite plan of action which is to the advantage of that company.
- Napoleon Hill
Men of character are the conscience of the society to which they belong.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greater number of men are merely corporals.
- Henry David Thoreau
If there's a job to be done, I always ask the busiest man in my parish to take it on and it gets done.
- Henry Ward Beecher
If men were angels, there would be no need of government.
- James Madison
I am not a businessman. I am a business, man.
- Jay-Z