Quotes about Leadership
The leader might be analyzed as the one who perceived what could be achieved and did it. p159
- Joseph Campbell
Havermeyer was a lead bombardier who never missed. Yossarian was a lead bombardier who had been demoted because he no longer gave a damn whether he missed or not. He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt, and his only mission each time he went up was to come down alive.
- Joseph Heller
Metcalf, is that your foot I'm stepping on?' 'No, sir. It must be Lieutenant Scheisskopf's foot.' 'It isn't my foot,' said Lieutenant Scheisskopf. 'Then maybe it is my foot after all,' said Major Metcalf. 'Move it.' 'Yes, sir. You'll have to move your foot first, colonel. It's on top of mine.' 'Are you telling me to move my foot?' 'No, sir. Oh, no, sir.
- Joseph Heller
If I have to build a big company by mistreating other people then the Bible says WOE to me. I don't know what that is, but I don't want any of it.
- Joyce Meyer
On being in a position of leadership) Even if it's your dog, you've got authority over somebody. Start treating him better.
- Joyce Meyer
Common people with uncommon goals who make an uncommon commitment can help an uncommon number of people who can also lead other common people to do uncommon things. Develop your potential to the full. And as you do, lead others in developing theirs. Be all you can be. Then help someone else be all they can be.
- Joyce Meyer
Leaders are not born; I believe they are made.
- Joyce Meyer
Take the helm and sail your own ship. Don't just get into the boat with nobody at the helm and merely hope that the waves of life take you somewhere good.
- Joyce Meyer
That is exactly why we must keep a right heart attitude if we want God to continue to use us. There is a great responsibility to leadership. There is moreto ministry than just standing up in front of people and exercising spiritual gifts. Our lives must be right behind the scenes. We must always be on our guard against presumption. Presumption
- Joyce Meyer
Just because we are anointed for leadership does not mean that we get to move immediately into a position of leadership. There is a work that has to be done in us, a testing that has to take place first. Later, we will look at some of the tests of the heart of a leader that we must go through before we get promoted. After
- Joyce Meyer
Misunderstanding is another test you will have to go through in order to be a leader. You have to make up your mind that you are going to stand with God and do what He says even if nobody understands you, agrees with you or supports you. Jesus understands you, and that is enough. When we are misunderstood, it is a good opportunity to practice forgiveness and keep a good attitude. 9.
- Joyce Meyer
If we are trusting God to bless us through those who are in authority over us, yet we aren't praying for them - it's as if we're not praying for ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer