Quotes about Leadership
The president did not truly listen to anybody. The more you talked, the less he listened.
- Michael Wolff
the Trump bubble. Trump was incapable of admitting vulnerability—any at all.
- Michael Wolff
The issue was not that he might act precipitously and recklessly because he didn't understand the consequences of doing so. The issue was that he could not comprehend the actual choices that needed to be made in order to act; indeed, he could not even stay in the room long enough to decide on a course of action. For Trump, the fog of war would waylay him before the first command could be given.
- Michael Wolff
Confused to find that the power of the presidency had limitations, he came to see the limitations as his own
- Michael Wolff
just when you felt on top of the world in the Trump administration, you could probably count on getting cut down. That was the pattern and price of one-man leadership—insecure-man leadership.
- Michael Wolff
charisma in the Christian sense.
- Michael Wolff
Sooner or later, Trump felt contempt for anyone who showed him too much devotion.
- Michael Wolff
Trump certainly ran his business as though it were a criminal enterprise.
- Michael Wolff
Trump was the one variable that, in management terms, simply could not be controlled. He was like a recalcitrant two-year-old. If you tried to control him, it would only have the opposite effect.
- Michael Wolff
Bannon and Kushner were therefore more than a little irritated to discover that the unimposing Priebus had an agenda of his own: heeding Senate leader Mitch McConnell's prescription that "this president will sign whatever is put in front of him," while also taking advantage of the White House's lack of political and legislative experience and outsourcing as much policy as possible to Capitol Hill.
- Michael Wolff
By the time Bannon and Priebus were back in Washington, three blue-chip firms had said no. All of them were afraid they would face a rebellion among the younger staff if they represented Trump, afraid Trump would publicly humiliate them if the going got tough, and afraid Trump would stiff them for the bill. In the end, nine top firms turned them down.
- Michael Wolff
The Best and the Brightest. (One of the
- Michael Wolff