Quotes about Cultivation
I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me.
- Robert Brault
A mind without instruction can no more bear fruit than can a field, however fertile, without cultivation.
- Cicero
It is possible to evade a multitude of sorrows by the cultivation of an insignificant life.
- John Henry Jowett
Joy does not come to you if you are spiritually passive; rather, joy is cultivated, but joy is cultivated by things you do.
- Donald Whitney
A man's children and his garden both reflect the amount of weeding done during the growing season.
- Anonymous
Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own.
- Samuel Johnson
Offended people still may experience miracles, words of utterance, strong preaching, and healing in their lives. But these are gifts of the Spirit, not fruits. We will be judged according to fruit, not gifting. A gift is given. Fruit is cultivated.
- John Bevere
It is said that in some countries trees will grow, but will bear no fruit because there is no winter there.
- John Bunyan
The purpose of daily prayer is the cultivation of a sense of the sacred. Sacred energy renews us.
- Marianne Williamson
The Christian is strong or weak depending upon how closely he has cultivated the knowledge of God.
- AW Tozer
Growth inside fuels growth outside.
- John Maxwell
But "To Be Near Unto God" in the midst of busy avocations yields its sweetest blessedness when it is cultivated in the face of sin and the world, as an oasis in the desert of life.
- Abraham Kuyper