Quotes about Words
The power of life and death are in the tongue, and we eat the fruit of them (Proverbs 18:21). Our words affect us and the people around us. They also affect what God is able to do for us. We cannot have a negative mouth and a positive life.
- Joyce Meyer
If the direction of a horse can be changed by a bit in his mouth, and the direction of a ship can be changed by its small rudder, then I believe the direction of our lives can be changed by the words we let roll over our tongue. You
- Joyce Meyer
One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes that we have.
- Joyce Meyer
God's words protect me from evil words spoken against me, and His words are louder to me than anyone else's.
- Joyce Meyer
We cannot see attitudes, thoughts, or words, but they are also seeds that operate in the spiritual (unseen) realm and they also produce a harvest based on what was planted.
- Joyce Meyer
From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. PROVERBS 16:23—24 NLT
- Joyce Meyer
I encourage you to begin pondering the truth that every word you speak holds some kind of power and to start praying and asking God to help you speak words filled with life and hope.
- Joyce Meyer
Not every circumstance feels good. But we can always determine to be joyful. Yes, oftentimes joy is a choice, an act of the will. That's why grumbling and complaining is so dangerous. Negative thoughts and words take us down a path to where everything feels impossible, too hard, unfair. But positive words and thoughts—as an act of the will and as an expression of our salvation—lead us to joy.
- Darlene Zschech
So what does this mean for a church trying to reach out to an internet-based generation? Here are some internet browsing statistics that may cause you to rethink everything: average length watched of a single internet video: 2.7 minutes percent of page views that last less than 4 seconds: 17 percent of page views that last more than 10 minutes: 4 percent of words read on web pages with 111 words or less: 49 percent of words read on an average (593 words) web page: 286.
- James Emery White
There is no calamity that right words will not begin to redress.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Words were something, and it was a lie from the enemy to say words were nothing. Words were something, because words led to actions. As a man thinks, so he is. As he speaks, so he becomes.
- Randy Ingermanson
The Word ought to be exposed in the words
- Karl Barth