Quotes about Words
But the space between heaven and earth had cooled his mind, destroyed the impulsiveness that had led him to bring her here, and made him aware of the too obvious appeal, the struggle with an unrehearsed scene and unfamiliar words.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
We are obliged, therefore, to say that whoever speaks that which is foreign to religion is using many words, while he who speaks the words of truth, even should he go over the whole field and omit nothing, is always speaking the one word.
- Origen
Anything whole can be broken," Isabelle told her. "And anything broken can be put back together again. That is the meaning of Abracadabra. I create what I speak.
- Alice Hoffman
But now I understood that, although words were God's first creation, silence was closer to His divine spirit, and that prayers given in silence were infinitely greater than the thousands of words men might offer up to heaven.
- Alice Hoffman
I had heard it said that Malachi wrote so beautifully the angels came to watch, for words were the first thing God created out of the silence and were still the most beautiful of His creations.
- Alice Hoffman
With his words, he could approach the soul where it resided, a glory to God, for words were what the Almighty first created, after the silence of the world, and they were Eleazar ben Ya'ir's gift as well.
- Alice Hoffman
I heard the voice of God all around me, but I was unafraid. I should have trembled before the Almighty and hid myself from sight. I should have taken a knife to my own flesh to cut away the mark of my past deeds. But now I understood that, although words were God's first creation, silence was closer to His divine spirit, and that prayers given in silence were infinitely greater than the thousands of words men might offer up to heaven.
- Alice Hoffman
And yet, how much damage could one small book do? How powerful could it be? That was when Sally began to run, because she knew the answer. Words were everything, stories were more powerful than any weapon, books changed lives.
- Alice Hoffman
Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you're saying.
- Joel Osteen
Every thought and every word you speak is an affirmation. So why not choose to use only positive affirmations to create an exceptional life? I know you can do it!
- Louise Hay
Every thought we think and every word we speak is an affirmation of what we believe about life and it's the same with magnetism.
- Louise Hay
To change your world, you must change your words. It's the rudder (James 3:4-5) of your life.
- Rick Warren