Quotes about Words
Her face, seen so close, is built of great flats of skin pressed clean of color except for a burnish of yellow that adds to their size mineral weight, the weight of some pure porous stone carted straight from quarries to temples. Words come from this monumental Ruth in the same scale, as massive wheels rolling to the porches of his ears, as mute coins spinning in the light. "You have it pretty good.
- John Updike
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
- Mahatma Gandhi
When Christianity turns into a noun, it becomes a turnoff. Christianity was always intended to be a verb. And, more specifically, an action verb. The title of the book of Acts says it all, doesn't it? It's not the book of Ideas or Theories or Words. It's the book of Acts. If the twenty-first-century church said less and did more, maybe we would have the same kind of impact the first-century church did.
- Mark Batterson
Praying through is all about intensity. It's not quantitative; it's qualitative. Drawing prayer circles involves more than words; it's gut-wrenching groans and heartbreaking tears. Praying through doesn't just bend God's ear; it touches the heart of your heavenly Father.
- Mark Batterson
This verse is not just about capturing sinful thoughts and getting them out of our minds; it's also about capturing creative thoughts and keeping them in our minds. It means stewarding every word, thought, impression, and revelation inspired by the Spirit of God.
- Mark Batterson
The tongue has the power of life and death. It's not some abracadabra incantation, but sometimes you have to say it like you believe it. Jesus literally spoke to the wind and the waves, right?
- Mark Batterson
An untamed tongue is far more dangerous than an untrained sword.
- Mark Batterson
Our words have creative power. With our words, we can speak blessings over our future or we can speak negative things over our future.
- Joel Osteen
The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
- Mark Twain
Why do you rant and brag with such a spate of words, as if you wanted to overwhelm me with a sort of tempest and deluge of oratory-which nevertheless falls with the greater force on your own head, while my ark rides aloft in safety?
- Martin Luther
We exalt our calling, not to gain glory among men, or money, or satisfaction, or favor, but because people need to be assured that the words we speak are the words of God. This is no sinful pride. It is holy pride.
- Martin Luther
18. I will put My words in His mouth. This also clearly proves that the Prophet will teach something different.
- Martin Luther