Quotes about Alignment
I've discovered that when we take time to renew our minds with God's Word, we learn how to think like God thinks, say what God says, and act like He wants us to act.
- Joyce Meyer
Frederick Buechner said, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.
- Shane Claiborne
Prayer is less about trying to get God to do something we want God to do and more about getting ourselves to do what God wants us to do and to become who God wants us to become.
- Shane Claiborne
If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.
- Stephen Covey
The more closely our maps or paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws, the more accurate and functional they will be
- Stephen Covey
God was at the center of your life, everything else would find its proper place.
- Stephen Covey
The main thing Is to keep the main thing the main thing.
- Stephen Covey
if God was at the center of your life, everything else would find its proper place.
- Stephen Covey
Principles are the territory. Values are maps. When we value correct principles, we have truth—a knowledge of things as they are.
- Stephen Covey
You can't become principle-centered without first being aware of and developing your own proactive nature. You can't become principle-centered without first being aware of your paradigms and understanding how to shift them and align them with principles. You can't become principle-centered without a vision of and a focus on the unique contribution that is yours to make.
- Stephen Covey
Consider: What difference would a clear vision of my principles, values, and ultimate objectives make in the way I spend my time?
- Stephen Covey
Where we stand depends on where we sit.
- Stephen Covey