Quotes about Power
Never underestimate the power of a single prayer. God can do anything through anyone who circles their big dreams with bold prayers. With God, there is no precedent, because all things are possible.
- Mark Batterson
You can have faith or you can have control, but you cannot have both.
- Mark Batterson
God is great not just because nothing is too big for Him. God is great but because nothing is too small for Him either.
- Mark Batterson
Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do.
- Mark Batterson
God has determined that certain expressions of His power will only be exercised in response to prayer. Simply put, God won't do it unless you pray for it. We have not because we ask not, or maybe I should say, we have not because we circle not. The greatest tragedy in life is the prayers that go unanswered because they go unasked.
- Mark Batterson
Never underestimate the ripple effect of one act of obedience. It will never be all for nothing.
- Mark Batterson
Sometimes God shows up. Sometimes God shows off.
- Mark Batterson
Confession breaks the power of canceled sin. It also heals the broken heart.
- Mark Batterson
For nearly thirty years, the One who had crafted the universe with His voice crafted furniture with His hands. And He was good at what He did—no crooked table legs ever came out of the carpenter's shop in Nazareth.1 But Jesus was more than a master carpenter. He was also God incognito. His miraculous powers rank as history's best-kept secret for nearly three decades, but all that changed the day water blushed in the face of its Creator.
- Mark Batterson
God is great not just because nothing is too big for Him; God is also great because nothing is too small.
- Mark Batterson
Well-defined prayers give God an opportunity to display His power in new ways. Well-developed faith results in well-defined prayers, and well-defined prayers result in well-defined answers.
- Mark Batterson
God loves it when we fight for Him. But God loves it even more when we let Him fight for us!
- Mark Batterson