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Quotes about Power

We are a long time in learning that all our strength and salvation is in God.
- David Brainerd
Nothing seemed to hard for God to perform; nothing to great for me to hope for from Him.
- David Brainerd
It's a really, really scary thing to stand here, to put words in people's mouths to say to God. It's terrifying to me. You potentially could mess someone up for...I don't know, eternity.
- David Crowder
How powerful is the influence of a mother! The bond between mother and child seems to be God-designed, the perfect union of potential and the power to make it spring forth. The simple, daily influences of prayer, persuasion, and promoting of godly values are the most powerful tools a mother can use to unleash the potential of her children.
- David Jeremiah
23rd May, 1872.—There seems but little prospect of Christianity spreading by ordinary means among Mohamadans. Their pride is a great obstacle, and is very industriously nurtured by its votaries. No new invention or increase of power on the part of Christians seems to disturb the self-complacent belief that ultimately all power and dominion in this world will fall into the hands of Moslems.
- David Livingstone
A great deal of power is thus lost in the Church. Fastings and vigils, without a special object in view, are time run to waste. They are made to minister to a sort of self-gratification, instead of being turned to account for the good of others. They are like groaning in sickness. Some people amuse themselves when ill with continuous moaning. The forty days of Lent might be annually spent in visiting adjacent tribes, and bearing unavoidable hunger and thirst with a good grace.
- David Livingstone
Speak God's words over your circumstances today. Speak His words in faith and watch Him move!
- Kenneth Copeland
Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws.
- John Adams
Only God's presence can change people's lives.
- Priscilla Shirer
Never doubt God's desire or ability to help you.
- TB Joshua
For if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us, be they bishops, cardinals, popes, or whatsoever names they will?
- William Tyndale
Now is the time to know that God is able. To connect your current reality with God's present ability.
- Priscilla Shirer