Quotes about Power
Be assured that Christianity is something more than forms and creeds and ceremonies: there is life, and power, and reality, in our holy faith.
- George Muller
Therefore Lord God, you are more truly omnipotent, because you have no power through impotence and nothing can be against you.
- Anselm of Canterbury
Given the unfairness that strikes so many people in life, I would rather believe in a God of limited power and unlimited love and justice, rather than the other way around.
- Harold S. Kushner
When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms.
- Thomas Paine
In each of us, there lies a divine connection to a power more powerful than hate or violence. Today is the day to attune to that power and use it on behalf of peace on earth.
- Marianne Williamson
Money is a bad god. People are a bad god. They don't have the power to do what God can do.
- Kenneth Copeland
What is called a republic, is not any particular form of government ... it is naturally opposed to the word monarchy, which means arbitrary power.
- Thomas Paine
Wicked people means people who have no love: therefore, they have no shame. They have the power to ask love because the don't need it: they have the power to offer it because they have none to give.
- George Bernard Shaw
When your situation has gone beyond the power of nature, it has become a curse. Who can remove a curse but Jesus Christ?
- TB Joshua
I will live a hope-filled life every day. I will handle my problems as opportunities in a different, more effective manner, based on the power of advanced mathematics; "You + God = Enough
- Zig Ziglar
A Constitution is not the act of a Government, but of a people constituting a government, and a government without a constitution is a power without right.
- Thomas Paine
Persistence, persistence, and persistence. The Power can be created and maintained through daily practice - continuous effort.
- Bruce Lee