Quotes about Power
I cannot change the world. You cannot change the world. Even prayer alone doesn't change the world. Only God can change the world! However, God uses prayer to change us, and then God uses us to change our world.
- Dave Ferguson
Christ in me" means Christ bearing me along from within, Christ the motive power that carries me on, Christ giving my whole life a wonderful poise and lift, and turning every burden into wings... not as something you have to bear but as something by which you are borne.
- James Bryan Smith
But children do not need to be in control. They have very little authority or power, and live each day in dependence and trust, receiving everything as a gift. And this, I believe, is what Jesus is advocating.
- James Bryan Smith
A power structure that is accountable only to itself will always end by abusing the powerless. If exposed, it will ask, paternalistically, to be allowed to repair the damage on its own.
- James Carroll
Respect for everyone he met. The preference of service over power. The rejection of violence. Israel—its Law and worship—as the primal source of meaning.
- James Carroll
All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.
- James Freeman Clarke
The Gospel of liberation is bad news to all oppressors because they have defined their "freedom" in terms of slavery of others.
- James H. Cone
When Satan tries to remind us of our past (failures and sins), we're to remind him of his future (ultimate destruction).
- James Garlow
If Jesus encountered demons and evil spirits during his lifetime his followers likewise may face them.
- James Garlow
Demons are dangerous only until they are confronted by the power of Jesus.
- James Garlow
Demons fear the power of Jesus Christ, and even speaking his name can rebuke evil.
- James Garlow
The Spirit of the living Christ lives in those who believe and trust in him; demons may not possess such a person.
- James Garlow