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Quotes about Power

sovereignty let loose through Jesus and the Spirit and aimed at the healing and renewal of all creation.
- NT Wright
This is typical of what the New Testament declares: God is king, and the kingdoms of the world are thereby demoted.
- NT Wright
But the demonstration of the power of Jesus' name took place, not in the Temple, but outside the gate. God is on the move, not confined
- NT Wright
Think of Oscar Wilde's wonderful scene in his play Salome, when Herod hears reports that Jesus of Nazareth has been raising the dead. "I do not wish him to do that," says Herod. "I forbid him to do that. I allow no man to raise the dead. This man must be found and told that
- NT Wright
within the institution, breaking out into new worlds, leaving behind the shrine which had become a place of worldly power and resistance to his purposes.
- NT Wright
Paul is talking about the present body, which is animated by the normal human psych? (the life force we all possess here and now, which gets us through the present life but is ultimately powerless against illness, injury, decay, and death), and the future body, which is animated by God's pneuma, God's breath of new life, the energizing power of God's new creation. This
- NT Wright
has happened before—literally, with the ending of the slave trade and the subsequent freeing of the slaves—and it needs to happen again. And happen it will, because the victory of the cross is real, and the power of the Spirit to implement that victory is real as well.
- NT Wright
The kingdoms of the world run on violence. The kingdom of God, Jesus declared, runs on love. That is the good news.
- NT Wright
This emerges clearly in the gospels, where Jesus's "authority" consists both in healing power and in a different kind of teaching, all of which the gospel writers—and Jesus himself—understood as part of the breaking-in of God's Kingdom.
- NT Wright
In particular, the story Revelation tells is the same story that all four gospels tell, though the church, which has done its best to hush up this fact about the gospels, has not usually recognized the similarity. The four canonical gospels (unlike the so-called gnostic 'gospels'!) tell the story of how Jesus of Nazareth, Israel's Messiah, conquered the power of evil through his death and became the lord of the world.
- NT Wright
The myth of progress fails because it doesn't in fact work; because it would never solve evil retrospectively; and because it underestimates the nature and power of evil itself and thus fails to see the vital importance of the cross, God's no to evil, which then opens the door to his yes to creation.
- NT Wright
It has to do with Jesus's own sense of vocation and with the redefinition of power itself which he modeled, embodied, and exemplified.
- NT Wright