Quotes about Bitterness
God wants to help you overcome the bitterness and anger that you feel, and He wants to encourage you . . . He knows that anger and depression will never help you deal with your problems—they only make them worse.
- Billy Graham
We must face honestly the toll that anger and bitterness take on our lives. They are our enemies! The Bible says, "An angry person stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins.
- Billy Graham
Every destructive emotion bears its own harvest, but anger's fruit is the most bitter of all.
- Billy Graham
There are many irritations in life. They become prime opportunities for Satan to lead us into evil passion. Keep anger clear of bitterness, spite, or hatred.
- Billy Graham
Bitterness is anger gone sour, an attitude of deep discontent that poisons our souls and destroys our peace.
- Billy Graham
Don't let the acids of bitterness eat away inside. Learn the secret of trusting Christ in every circumstance.
- Billy Graham
Escapism seems to be the order of the day … Escape with drugs or alcohol, and the bitterness of living will be blurred … We can't escape from God.
- Billy Graham
My wife has said that a bitter, sour Christian is one of Satan's greatest trophies—and she's right.
- Billy Graham
We can react with bitterness and hate God, as some do, or we can accept suffering as a natural part of life and a condition that comes with living in this world. We cannot avoid suffering, but we can determine our response to it.
- Billy Graham
But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.
- Bob Sorge
To be unforgiving is like to drink poison and wait for someone else to die!!
- Bishop TD Jakes
Someone once said that you don't hold a grudge. It holds you. Holding a grudge is self-inflicted pain. Consequently, bitterness doesn't imprison those who hurt you. It imprisons you.
- Frank Viola