Quotes about Worship
Where feelings for God are dead, worship is dead.
- John Piper
God wills to be displayed and known and loved and cherished and worshiped.
- John Piper
Neither Muslims nor anyone else truly worships the true God if they reject Jesus as he really is in the Gospels.
- John Piper
In demanding our praise God is demanding the completion of our pleasure (in him).
- John Piper
A God who is good knows no segregation amongst words or names. And were a God to deny his blessing to those who pursue a different path to eternity, there would be no human who should offer worship.
- Khalil Gibran
If Jesus is here we are going to walk out of this place to live our lives to the glory of God the Father.
- Louie Giglio
Anthony Skinner has a fire in his heart to worship God, and to encourage and equip others to do the same.
- Matt Redman
There are many things that are perfectly legitimate, but if you are going to concentrate on God you cannot do them.
- Oswald Chambers
I can't sing a lick but that's nobody's business. God listens when I sing to Him and He thinks I am an opera star.
- AW Tozer
After my study of today's church, my conclusion is that the church is politely bored with God.
- AW Tozer
As we come to the Bible, we can come with the holy anticipation of actually meeting with God.
- AW Tozer
Where God is not glorified, that place is sick.
- AW Tozer