Quotes about Worship
The principle is timeless: If Christ is not Lord over our money and possessions, he is not our Lord.
- Randy Alcorn
If Christ is not Lord over our money and possessions, he is not our Lord.
- Randy Alcorn
This song is called 'To Be a Martyr for the Lord.' It's very popular in house churches.
- Randy Alcorn
Of all the religions in the world, there is none with the wealth of music that the Christian faith offers.
- Ravi Zacharias
Only when holiness and worship meet can evil be conquered. For that, only the Christian message has the answer.
- Ravi Zacharias
Worship very plainly opens up the healing of all of mankind. The struggle of gender, the struggle of race, the struggle of history, the struggle to find political liberation, the struggle of our own contradictions — nothing can be mended until we understand the symbol of Jesus' breaking of the bread and pouring of the wine.
- Ravi Zacharias
Become a man or woman of prayer...Let your heart and mind be kept close to the principal calling of your life, which is to hunger and thirst after God and His righteousness...Let the thoughts and intents of your heart be shaped and guided by time spent in His presence.
- Ravi Zacharias
Sacrilege is often defined as taking something that belongs to God and using it profanely. But there is a bigger sacrilege we commit all the time. That is to take something and give it to God when it means absolutely nothing to us.
- Ravi Zacharias
Here is life's essential purpose — to worship God in spirit and in truth (see John 4:24). All other purposes are meant to be secondary. When they become primary, they destroy the individual.
- Ravi Zacharias
In short, wonder is captured in one word—worship. When we have learned what worship is,we have experienced what wonder is. Worship is a personal thing before it goes public. It is an individual thing before it is part of a community. It is a disciplined thing before it is natural.
- Ravi Zacharias
five main components of worship: the Lord's Supper, teaching, prayer, praise, and giving.
- Ravi Zacharias
A worshiping community should be the fountain from which life flows and the ocean into which your efforts are merged. That is where identity is defined, refined, and consolidated and where continuity remains.
- Ravi Zacharias