Quotes about Worship
They have possessions without power, wealth without true worship, and prosperity without God's presence!
- Perry Stone
When God's Spirit moves mightily, there will be shouting, rejoicing and holy noise.
- Perry Stone
We must cut through the veils and enter worship in spirit and truth.
- Perry Stone
Everyone prays,' he pointed out. 'Even non-Christians pray. The difference when Christians do it is that they are climbing into the lap of their heavenly Father.
- Pete Greig
We are qualified for Christian service by our praying not our preaching, by our desire to worship him and not our workload on his behalf, by knowing Jesus personally and not just by knowing a lot of interesting things about him. If you lose God's presence you lose everything, but if you know his presence you already have everything you will ever need.
- Pete Greig
Prayer without action is just religion in hiding.
- Pete Greig
Even worship is less important than Jesus. In fact, worship can become an idol in the church. Some Christians probably worship worship more than they worship Jesus. Some worship leaders probably worship worship-leading more than they worship Jesus. It was never meant to be an industry, a genre in Walmart, a karaoke show on Sunday. If you really want to lead worship, learn to wonder.
- Pete Greig
Rather, it was written to tell the Israelites that their God, and not the gods of the other nations, was the chaos tamer, and therefore, this God and this God alone was worthy of worship. And they made this point in ancient terms, using ancient ways of thinking.
- Peter Enns
Yahweh is worthy of worship To save is to "re-create" God's mountain God gives lots of commands Israelites rebel against Moses and God
- Peter Enns
Feeling like God is far away, disinterested, or dead to you is part of our Bible and can't be brushed aside. And that feeling—no matter how intense it may be, and even offensive as it may seem—is never judged, shamed, or criticized by God. Worshipping other gods or acting unjustly toward others gets criticized about every three sentences, but not this honest talk of feeling abandoned by God.
- Peter Enns
If I were king of Christianity, after limiting church services to forty-five minutes and sermons to ten, as well as outlawing church "share time" altogether, I would proclaim a kingdom-wide decree that, at least for a while until we get it, "believe" should be stricken from all of our Bibles and replaced with trust.
- Peter Enns
It is a fundamental misunderstanding of Genesis to expect it to answer questions generated by a modern worldview, such as whether the days were literal or figurative, or whether the days of creation can be lined up with modern science, or whether the flood was local or universal. The question that Genesis is prepared to answer is whether Yahweh, the God of Israel, is worthy of worship.
- Peter Enns