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Quotes about Worship

It doesn't take long in marriage bedore you realize that your spouse doesn't share your instincts. At that point, either you worship God as sovereign and celebrate the different way of looking at the world that your spouse has blessed you with, or you dishonor him by trying to rewrite his story.
- Paul David Tripp
God designed us to be worshipers. Everything we do is the product of worship. We are always giving our hearts to something, and if it's not God, it's something God created. All
- Paul David Tripp
So in grace, God has designed us to regularly gather together and remember the things that are worth living for.
- Paul David Tripp
We need to do everything we can to put the glory of God and his grace before our children so that the awe of God would rule over their hearts.
- Paul David Tripp
When you remember mercy, complaining gives way to gratitude and self-focused desire gives way to worship.
- Paul David Tripp
sin kidnapped our worship, and grace works to restore it to its rightful owner—God. It is only when God is in his rightful place in our hearts that everything else is in its appropriate place in our lives, and only powerful grace can accomplish this.
- Paul David Tripp
Idolatry occurs when anything created to point you to God replaces God in the thoughts and desires of your heart.
- Paul David Tripp
Corporate worship is designed to make you thankful, not just for possessions and accomplishments, but for what you've been given in Christ.
- Paul David Tripp
they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen" (Rom. 1:25).
- Paul David Tripp
People move from church to church as if the churches in their community are nothing more than ecclesiastical department stores. They're shopping for just the right preacher, women's ministry, youth ministry, or worship style. These Christians' relationship to the church mirrors my relationship to Macy's.
- Paul David Tripp
After you have bowed down and worshiped, get up and serve this One of awesome glory. Refuse to question his will. Refuse to let yourself think that his boundaries are ill placed. Be thankful his majesty is your protection, his glory is your motivation, his grace is your help, and his wisdom is your direction.
- Paul David Tripp
Many Christians also live inside the church virtually unknown. They slip in and out of the weekly service almost unnoticed. Sure, they will exchange niceties with the people near them, and if they do that, they will learn a few cursory details about one another's lives, but they don't really have a relationship with the people with whom they worship.
- Paul David Tripp