Quotes about Worship
Corporate worship is designed to humble you by pointing out the depth of your need and enthrall you by pointing to the glory of God's provision.
- Paul David Tripp
Here it is: a marriage of love, unity, and understanding is not rooted in romance; it is rooted in worship.
- Paul David Tripp
Horizontal awe is meant to do one thing: stimulate vertical
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer is much more than bringing to God your list of wants, desires, and needs. It is a radical act of worship that reminds you of who you are, who God is, and what life is all about. Prayer is surrender:
- Paul David Tripp
We complain so much not because we have horizontal problems but because we have a vertical problem.
- Paul David Tripp
The gospel narrative is all about the larceny and restoration of true worship, the thing for which we were given breath, the worship of God.
- Paul David Tripp
Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! PSALM 33:8
- Paul David Tripp
The ultimate purpose of the Word of God is not theological information but heart and life transformation. Biblical literacy and theological expertise are not, therefore, the end of the Word but a God-ordained means to an end, and the end is a radically transformed life because the worship at the center of that life has been reclaimed.
- Paul David Tripp
If you seek satisfaction, satisfaction will escape your grasp. But if you seek God, rest in his presence and grace, and put your heart in his most capable hands, he will satisfy your heart as nothing else can. You were made for him. Your heart was designed to be controlled by worship of him. Your inner security is meant to come from rest in him. Your sense of well-being is intended to come from a reliance on his wisdom, power, and love.
- Paul David Tripp
Corporate worship is designed to once again clear up our confusion as to what is truly important in life.
- Paul David Tripp
When amazing realities of the gospel quit commanding your attention, your awe, and your worship, other things in your life will capture your attention instead. When you quit celebrating grace, you begin to forget how much you need grace, and when you forget how much you need grace, you quit seeking the rescue and strength that only grace can give. This means you begin to see yourself as more righteous, strong, and wise than you actually are, and in so doing, you set yourself up for trouble.
- Paul David Tripp
When good things become controlling, they command the affection of our hearts and then shape our words and behavior. When this happens, they take the place in our hearts that only God should have.
- Paul David Tripp