Quotes about Worship
Worship is at once the overall character of the renovated thought life and the only safe place for a human being to stand.
- Dallas Willard
Making sure to leave the evening free as the start of your time with Jesus.
- Dallas Willard
The Day Dawns: Rising with Praise, Petition, and Planning.
- Dallas Willard
In worship we are ascribing greatness, goodness, and glory to God.
- Dallas Willard
Worship nevertheless imprints on our whole being the reality that we study. The effect is a radical disruption of the powers of evil in us and around us. Often an enduring and substantial change is brought about. And the renewal of worship keeps the glow and power of our true homeland an active agent in all parts of our being. To "hear and do" in the atmosphere of worship is the clearest, most obvious and natural thing imaginable.
- Dallas Willard
There are two Gods," Tolstoy once said. "There is the God that people generally believe in—A God who has to serve them (sometimes in very refined ways, say by merely giving them peace of mind). This God does not exist. But the God whom people forget—the God whom we all have to serve—exists, and is the prime cause of our existence and of all that we perceive."
- Dallas Willard
Reason functions as a basis of responsibility before God precisely because of its ability to serve in the instigation, nurture, and correction of faith. Because of this ability, we are responsible before God if we do not abide according to its results. To disparage the role of reason in the production and sustenance of faith is to contradict the plain intent of the scriptures, according to which reason provides adequate grounds to support a right worship of God.
- Dallas Willard
That is one reason it is hard to get people to pray at church and why prayer meetings are often dead. People don't see that prayer—real, two-way conversation with God—makes any difference.
- Dallas Willard
Indeed, for anyone who has a genuine knowledge of God, praise is the only appropriate attitude in which to live. It is the only sane attitude.
- Dallas Willard
We do all we do in the knowledge that we are working alongside him. Moreover, we do this kind of work hand in hand with the cultivation of the mind and spirit through art and imagination, poetry and song, praise, prayer, and worship. These all help our minds to lay hold of this God, this most lovable being in all of reality.
- Dallas Willard
You will never exaggerate when you speak good things of God. It is not possible to do so. Try, dear brethren, and boast in the Lord.
- Charles Spurgeon
"Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God."
- Martin Luther