Quotes about Worship
The man who builds a factory, builds a temple.
- Calvin Coolidge
He who fears the face of God does not fear the face of man. He who fears the face of man does not fear the face of God.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Worship is the one, total adoring response of man to the one Eternal God.
- Evelyn Underhill
In a stupid nation the man of genius becomes a god : everybody worships him and nobody does his will.
- George Bernard Shaw
every expression of gratitude is a prayer, which means the practice of intentional gratitude leads directly to a life lived in continual worship." He
- Terri Blackstock
Nothing that is God's is obtainable by money.
- Tertullian
Mother Church.
- Tertullian
You say we worship the sun; so do you.
- Tertullian
Christians are people who are reconciled to God through Christ. As a consequence, we have been given "the ministry of reconciliation" (2 Cor. 5:18—21). So, a committed member strives to repair breaches as quickly as possible, even before continuing in public worship (Matt. 5:23—24).
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
Your sole desire should be the glory of God, not the praise of others.
- Thomas a Kempis
God has no need for our worship. It is we who need to show our gratitude for what we have received.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
A song is the exultation of the mind dwelling on eternal things, bursting forth in the voice.
- St. Thomas Aquinas