Quotes about Worship
Men treat God's sovereignty as a theme for controversy, but in Scripture it is matter for worship.
- JI Packer
Whether men are pleased or not, we will, we must, worship the Lamb that was slain.
- John Newton
It seems disrespectful to me to see ladies in church in very short skirts or skimpy, sleeveless tops. I would imagine that it could be distracting to men who are trying to keep their minds on God.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Overvalue not therefore the manner of your own worship, and overvilify not other men's of a different mode.
- Richard Baxter
Democracy without God is mans worship and elevation of himself and his own intelligence or humanism, where man becomes his own measure for morality, judgment, and justice.
- Myles Munroe
A man can preach no better than he prays.
- Charles Stanley
Men who refuse to worship the true God now worship themselves with tender devotion.
- AW Tozer
If a man serves not God only, then surely he serves the devil.
- Martin Luther
True religion is removed from diet and days, from garments and ceremonies, and placed where it belongs - in the union of the spirit of man with the Spirit of God.
- AW Tozer
It [freedom] is a thing of the spirit. Men must be free to worship, to think, to hold opinions, to speak without fear. They must be free to challenge wrong and oppression with the surety of justice.
- Herbert Hoover
The proper study of mankind is man in his relation to his deity.
- DH Lawrence
Let the seeking man reach a place where life and lips join to say continually, "Be thou exalted," and a thousand minor problems will be solved at once.
- AW Tozer