Quotes about Convergence
For in the nature of things everything that is faith must rise, and everything that rises must converge.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The very fact of our becoming aware of this profound ordering of things will enable human collectivization to pass beyond the enforced phase, where it now is, into the free phase: that in which (men having at last understood that they are inseparably joined elements of a converging Whole, and having learnt in consequence to love the preordained forces that unite them) a natural union of affinity and sympathy will supersede the forces of compulsion.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.
- Napoleon Hill
If your thoughts and your actions and your words harmonize, you are bound to influence those with whom you come in contact, more or less toward your way of thinking.
- Napoleon Hill
I'm not ready to walk on water, but I'm also not ready to let the televangelists and prosperity preachers hijack the supernatural stuff from the rest of us. Imagine what would happen if the prayer movement and social justice movement converged, and we had Christians who prayed like they depend on God and lived like God depended on them?
- Shane Claiborne
Imagine what would happen if the prayer movement and social justice movement converged, and we had Christians who prayed like they depend on God and lived like God depended on them? Hallelujah.
- Shane Claiborne
There is one river of Truth which receives tributaries from every side.
- Clement of Alexandria
Union is as if in a room there were two large windows through which the light streamed in it enters in diffrent places but it all becomes one.
- Teresa of Avila
Truth, and goodness, and beauty, are but different faces of the same All
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The sciences need philosophy; philosophy, in turn, needs the sciences. On both sides, certain naive minds, too confident in their own forces and satisfied with ideas entirely too superficial, believed in the universal value of a single method. On both side a severe critique must lead each method back to its just limits, and teach them to ask aid of the other methods and manners of approach which, by their convergence, will permit the mind to embrace the diverse aspects of reality
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Love is beyond time or rather love is both time and space but all focused on one single constantly evolving point-the Aleph.
- Paulo Coelho
Science, philosophy and religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin