Quotes about Betrayal
Any time you find yourself worrying about anything, or upset because someone has dishonored or betrayed you, it is only because you have placed your faith in something other than Jesus.
- Ted Dekker
This was what Alvin Finch had learned: you can break their bones, but it is far better to break their heart. Suffice it to say that he had broken the father's heart.
- Ted Dekker
Take away truth and people will lie. Scoff at virtue, and betrayal becomes a matter of course.
- Frank Peretti
Often it seems that beneath the pleasantries of daily life there are many gaping wounds that carry such names as abandonment, betrayal, rejection, rupture, and loss.
- Henri Nouwen
Judas betrayed Jesus. Peter denied him. Both were lost children. Judas, no longer able to hold on to the truth that he remained God's child, hung himself. In terms of the prodigal son, he sold the sword of his sonship. Peter, in the midst of his despair, claimed it and returned with many tears. Judas chose death. Peter chose life. I realize that this choice is always before me. Constantly
- Henri Nouwen
When Jesus raised Lazarus to life, the miracle was so spectacular many people believed in Jesus. However, some witnessed the same miracle and were motivated instead to betray Jesus (John 11:47—48). How could people witness such an event yet miss God's message? It was a matter of spiritual perception.
- Henry Blackaby
In fact, tell him I've diddled him, and perhaps somebody else.
- Herman Melville
To beguile is to deceive or lead astray, as Lucifer beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.
- Joseph Wirthlin
A man who will enslave his own blood, may not be safely relied on for magnamity.
- Frederick Douglass
America will not allow her children to love her. She seems bent on compelling those who would be her warmest friends, to be her worst enemies.
- Frederick Douglass
Evil is revealed when there is seen what it does to one who is loved.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Judas took the money back to the temple priests. So is it always. When we give up our Lord for any earthly thing sooner or later it disgusts us; we no longer wanted it.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen