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Quotes about Betrayal

Betray. The word is an eighth of an inch above betroth in the dictionary, but a world from betroth in life. It's a weapon found only in the hands of one you love. Your enemy has no such tool, for only a friend can betray. Betrayal is mutiny. It's a violation of a trust, an inside job.
- Max Lucado
You've already learned, haven't you, that a promise made is not always a promise kept? Just because someone is called your dad, that doesn't mean he will act like your dad. Even though they said "yes" on the altar, they may say "no" in the marriage.
- Max Lucado
Right there in the middle of a world which isn't fair. He saw you betrayed by those you love. He saw you with a body which gets sick and a heart which grows weak . . . On the eve of the cross, Jesus made his decision. He would rather go to hell for you than go to heaven without you. And the
- Max Lucado
A person may have feigned belief but not meant it. Judas is an example of one who seemed to have been saved but in truth was not. For three years he followed Christ. While the others were becoming apostles, he was becoming a tool of Satan.
- Max Lucado
I try to plant peace if I do not want discord; to plant loyalty and honesty if I want to avoid betrayal and lies.
- Maya Angelou
In a Time In a time of secret wooing Today prepares tomorrow's ruin Left knows not what right is doing My heart is torn asunder. In a time of furtive sighs Sweet hellos and sad goodbyes Half-truths told and entire lies My conscience echoes thunder. In a time when kingdoms come Joy is brief as summer's fun Happiness, its race has run Then pain stalks in to plunder.
- Maya Angelou
But you'll turn your back As you often do Yet I am your sons And your daughters too.
- Maya Angelou
You and I have a "friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Prov. 18:24) for "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). No matter what happens, no matter who rejects you or humiliates you, God will never betray you. Stay faithful, believer. You are on the winning team. The King of all kings will return and take His rightful throne.
- Beth Moore
Isaac answered Esau: "Look, I have made him a master over you… . What then can I do for you, my son?" Genesis 27:37
- Beth Moore
I was like a docile lamb led to slaughter. I didn't know that they had devised plots against me. Jeremiah 11:19
- Beth Moore
The level of trust we have for God is a monumental issue in the life of every believer. Many variables in our lives affect our willingness to trust God. A loss or betrayal can deeply mark our level of trust. A broken heart never mended handicaps us terribly when we're challenged to trust. Trusting an invisible God doesn't come naturally to any believer. A trust relationship grows only by stepping out in faith and making the choice to trust.
- Beth Moore
Even though Christ knew Judas would betray Him, I believe He was still devastated by it. Heart-shattering betrayal is one of the hardest experiences we ever encounter. To know how best to bind up the heart it breaks, Christ chose to experience it.
- Beth Moore