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Quotes about Betrayal

[The witch] would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards.
- CS Lewis
I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me. People feel with their hearts, Ellen, and since he has destroyed mine, I have not power to feel for him.
- Emily Bronte
Faith in God offers no insurance against tragedy. Nor does it offer insurance against feelings of doubt and betrayal. If anything, being a Christian complicates the issue. If you believe in a world of pure chance, what difference does it make whether a bus from Yuba City or one from Salina crashes? But if you believe in a world ruled by a powerful God who loves you tenderly, then it makes an awful difference.
- Philip Yancey
As a Southerner, coming of age for me included a dawning awareness that we were living with a story that was self-deceiving, a lie. The resulting tension planted something deep in my soul, a nagging sense of betrayal.
- Philip Yancey
Our only option, then, is honesty that leads to repentance. As the Bible shows, God's grace can cover any sin, including murder, infidelity, or betrayal. Yet by definition grace must be received, and hypocrisy disguises our need to receive grace. When the masks fall, hypocrisy is exposed as an elaborate ruse to avoid grace.
- Philip Yancey
That was something, wasn't it? Trust was a good place to start. Especially after the kind of betrayal she'd been through. It made him want to prove he was the kind of man she deserved. The kind of man who'd love her for better or worse. The kind who was faithful and true.
- Denise Hunter
Forgiveness does not mean that we pretend things are anything other than they are. I am hurt, we say. I am betrayed, we announce. I am in pain and grief. I have been treated unfairly. I am feeling ashamed. I am angry this has been done to me. I am sad and I am lost. I may never forget what you have done to me, but I will forgive. I will do everything in my power not to let you harm me again. I will not retaliate against you or against myself.
- Desmond Tutu
We need rituals for all traumas and loss, whether it is betrayal or infidelity or violence or murder. Ritual helps us heal, and ritual helped me heal and become ready to consider the person who murdered Angela, his story, his pain.
- Desmond Tutu
Right after that, Jesus added, "But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee" (Matthew 26:32). Jesus often tucked in little phrases like that. Continually, throughout his ministry on earth, he was letting people know that hope was on its way. He said things such as this: My body will be broken for you and my blood spilled for many for the forgiveness of sins, yet one of you is going to betray me.
- Louie Giglio
Have you ever been abandoned? Left behind? Sold out? Maybe not dropped literally down a dry hole, but that's how you felt.
- Louie Giglio
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. —MATTHEW 24:10—13
- John Bevere
it is common for those that have called themselves His servants, after awhile to give Him the slip, and return again to me.
- John Bunyan