Quotes about Self-esteem
With a little faith in themselves people, people can do miraculous things. But without it, they have a really tough time.
- John Maxwell
The man-worshipers, in my sense of the term, are those who see man's highest potential and strive to actualize it. . . . [Man-worshipers are] those dedicated to the exaltation of man's self-esteem and the sacredness of his happiness on earth.
- Ayn Rand
I teach people how to treat me by what I will allow.
- Stephen Covey
Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power. • • • Security represents your sense of worth, your identity, your emotional anchorage, your self-esteem, your basic personal strength or lack of it.
- Stephen Covey
I believe that a life of integrity is the most fundamental source of personal worth. I do not agree with the popular success literature that says that self-esteem is primarily a matter of mind set, of attitude—that you can psych yourself into peace of mind. Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.
- Stephen Covey
If our sense of emotional worth comes primarily from our marriage, then we become highly dependent upon that relationship.
- Stephen Covey
Self-esteem and self-love are the opposites of fear; the more you like yourself, the less you fear anything.
- Brian Tracy
If you don't live by the praise of men you won't die by their criticism.
- Bill Johnson
Not everyone will see your beauty, and not everyone will find you attractive or believe you are worthy of their clothing or publications.
- Rain Dove
After I lost weight, I discovered that people found me valuable. Worthy of conversation. A person one could look at. A person one could compliment. A person one could admire. A person.
- Shonda Rhimes
Cheap grace replaces truth with tolerance, lowering the bar so everyone can jump over it and we can all feel good about ourselves.
- Randy Alcorn
Let's remember that our children's spirits are more important than any material things. When we do, self-esteem and love blossoms and grows more beautifully than any bed of flowers ever could.
- Jack Canfield